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Sunday, 13 November 2011 21:18

ሌላው መንገድ Featured

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ግምገማ ድርሰት

ሌላው መንገድ

ከቅርብ ጊዜ ወዲህ የሃይማኖትና የፖለቲካ መሪዎቻችን ከተለምዶ ውጭ የሕይወት ታሪካቸውን በመጽሐፍ አሳትመው እያሠራጩ ነው። ይህ አዲስ ክስተት ነው፤ የሚደገፍ ነው። ማን እንደሆኑ፣ ምን እንደሠሩ አስረግጠን ሳናውቅና በሠሩት ሥራ ዙሪያ ሳንወያይ ያለፉ የሕዝብ መሪዎች ጥቂቶች አይደሉምና ተዘርፈናል፣ ቅርስ ባክኖብናል። የአገራችንን ታሪካዊ ወቅቶች በግለሰቦቹ እይታ አስታከን ማገናዘብ ብሔራዊ መብታችን ብቻ ሳይሆን፣ የተመሠረተውን በጎ ከመርሳት የተነሳ ስሕተቶች እንዳይደገሙ፣ ፍርሃትና አሉባልታ እንዳይገዙን ለመከላከል ጭምር ይጠቅማል። በዚህ አጋጣሚ የጄኔራል ታዬ ጥላሁን የሕይወት ታሪክ እስካሁን አለመጻፉ ያሳስበናል። በዚሁ ድረ ገጽ፣ ከእስር ተፈተው ወደ ክርስቶስ አማንያን ማሕበር ተቀላቅያለሁ ያሉት የቀድሞ ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር አቶ ታምራት ላይኔ፣ አሁን የእውነትን መንገድ ለይተው አውቀዋልና ሁሉን ግልጽ አድርገው በመጽሐፍ እንዲያሠፍሩ ማሳሰባችን ይታወሳል። ሌሎች፣ በተለይ ሴቶች ካሉ እንደዚሁ።

የዛሬው ትኩረታችን፣ የቀድሞው ፕሬዚዳንት ዶክተር ነጋሶ ጊዳዳ፣ ባለፈው ወር፣ “ዳንዲ - የነጋሶ መንገድ” በሚል ርእስ ባሳተሙት መጽሐፍ ላይ ስለ ሰማእቱ ቄስ ጉዲና ቱምሳ ባሠፈሩት ላይ ብቻ ይሆናል። በነገራችን ላይ፣ ዶክተር ነጋሶ በቤተክርስቲያን አካባቢ የሚታወሱት በምዕራቡና በደቡብ-ምዕራቡ የአገራችን ክፍል የወንጌል አገልጋይና መሪ የነበሩት የቄስ ጊዳዳ ሶለን [በ1969 ዓ.ም. በ 78 ዓመታቸው ሞቱ] ልጅ በመሆናቸው ነው። ዶክተሩ፣ በመጽሐፋቸው ውስጥ ስለ ፍትሕ፣ በእግዚአብሔርና በሕግ ፊት ስለ ሰው ልጆች እኩልነት፣ ስለ ነፃነት ይገደኛል፤ ለዚህም ስታገል ኖሬአለሁ የማለታቸው መሠረቱ ምን እንደ ሆነ መገመት አያዳግትም። አባታቸው ቄስ ጊዳዳ [“ጊዳዳ” ትርጓሜው፦ “ለሕዝብ የሚያነባ” ማለት ሲሆን] በወንጌል ምክንያት የተሰደዱና ቤተክርስቲያን በመትከል የታወቁ የእምነት ሰው ነበሩ። በተጨማሪ፣ ወንጌላውያን አብያተክርስቲያናት አሳድገው ለአገር መሪነት ያበቋቸውን እንደ እነ ክቡር አቶ አማኑኤል አብርሃምን፣ አቶ መርኪና መጃን፣ ኦነሲሞስ ነሲብን መጥቀስ ይቻላል። በአፍሪቃ የነፃነት ትግል ውስጥ ደግሞ ስመ-ጥር የሆኑት እነ ኔሬሬ፣ ማንዴላ፣ ካውንዳ፣ ንኵሩማ፣ ወዘተ፣ ከወንጌላውያን አብያተክርስቲያናት የፈለቁ ናቸው። የቤተክርስቲያን አስተዋጽዖ እንደ ቀላል ሊታይ አይገባም ማለት ነው።

በ “ነጋሶ መንገድ” ላይ፦ ደርግ፣ቄስ ጉዲና ቱምሳንየገደለው፣ “የኦሮሞ ነፃነት ግንባር [ኦነግ] ናቸው ብሎሲሆንደርግከወደቀበኋላደግሞየቄሱአስከሬንከጅምላመቃብርወጥቶበስርዓትበተቀበረበትጊዜደርግቄሱንየገደለውየሃይማኖትነፃነትንለማፈንነበር ተብሎየተነገረውን ትክክል አይደለም ብለዋል። ለዚህም ማስረጃቸውን እንደሚከተለው አቅርበዋል፦ 1969 .ቄስጉዲናለቤተክርስቲያንስራወደጀርመንሲመጡእግረመንገዳቸውንከኦነግመልእክትይዘውመጥተውነበር።መልዕክቱንለመንገርመጀመሪያዲማነገዎማስትሬትዲግሪውንእያጠናከነበረበትሴኔጋልወደጀርመንእንዲመጣአደረጉናከዚያፍራንክፈርትከእኔጋርተገናኙ።ለእሱየመጣውመልዕክትጀርመንሀገርቢሮበመክፈትየኦነግወኪልሆኖእንዲሰራየሚልነበር።እኔደግሞዲማንእንድረዳነበርየተፈለገውሌላውቄስጉዲናየሰጡኝመረጃኦነግበመካከለኛውምስራቅአንድልዑክእንደሚልክናልዑኩበባሮቱምሳእንደሚመራየሚጠቁምነበር ቄስጉዲናንለመጨረሻጊዜያገኘኋቸውያኔነው።ደርግ፣ሀገርቤትሲገቡእስርቤትአስገብቶገደላቸውናከሌሎችጋርበጅምላተቀበሩ…” [ገጽ 110]።

ዶክተር ነጋሶ ማስረጃ ብለው ያቀረቡት አከራካሪ አይሆንም። ደርግ ቄስ ጉዲናን የገደለው ኦነግ ናቸው በሚል ሰበብ ነው። ይህን ስንል፣ ደርግ የወሰደው የግድያ እርምጃ ሆነ ያቀረበው ሰበብ ትክክል ነው ማለት አይደለም። ቄስ ጉዲናን በኦሮሞነታቸው ወይም በፖለቲካ አመለካከታቸው ብቻ ፈርጆ ማለፍ ግን የኖሩለትንና የተሠውለትን የሕይወት ምስክርነት ማጕደፍ ይሆናል። ግለሰቡ ቁመተ-ረጂም፣ ከሠፈር ያለፈ ሰፊ አእምሮ የተለገሳቸው ነበሩና። ዶክተር ነጋሶ ይህን የሚክዱ አይመስለንም። በሌላ አነጋገር፣ የክርስቶስ ተከታይና የቤተክርስቲያኑ መሪ እንደሆኑ ከግምት ውስጥ ሳናስገባ ቄስ ጉዲናን ጠንቅቀን መረዳት አዳጋችና አሳሳች ይሆናል። ደርግ፣ ቄስ ጉዲናን የገደልኩት የቤተክርስቲያን መሪ በመሆናቸው ነው ሊል እንደማይችል ግልጽ ይመስለናል። በቤተክርስቲያን ላይ ስደት እና በአማንያን ላይ እስራት በታወጀበት ሰዓት የአምልኮ ነፃነት አለ አልልም ማለታቸው፤ ቀይና ነጭ ሽብር በየአውራ መንገዱ ያፈሰሰው ደም ሳይደርቅ እንዲህ የመሰለ አቋም መውሰድ ምን እንደሚያስከትል ለማንም ግልጽ ነው። በዚህ ላይ ወንድማቸው ባሮ ቱምሣ የአንጃ ፖለቲካ ፓርቲ መሪ ናቸው።

ቄስ ጉዲና የተሠውት በ 1971 ዓ.ም. በሃምሳ ዓመታቸው ነው። አመለካከታቸው ከጎሣና ከዘር ያለፈ ነው ስላልን መድገም አያሻንም። ጽሑፋቸውን ያነበበና ንግግራቸውን ያደመጠ ማንም እንደሚያውቀው ወንጌልን ከማሕበራዊ ፍትኅ ጋር አገናዝበው ማየት የተቻላቸው ግለሰብ ነበሩ። የክርስቶስን ወንጌል በቤተክርስቲያን ክልል መወሰን ወይም በማሕበረ ሰብ ጠርዝ ላይ መትከል፣ የወንጌልን “ብርሃን እና ጨው” ነት አለማጤን እንደሆነ የተረዱ መሪ ነበሩ። ለመንግሥት ሥጋት የሆኑት ከዚህ አመለካከታቸው የተነሳ ነው። ስለ ሰው ማንነት ያላቸው መረዳት ከወንጌል አስተምርሆ የመነጨ እንጂ ከሰብዓዊነት አመለካከት ብቻ የፈለቀ አልነበረም። ወንጌል፣ ሰው በእግዚአብሔር አምሳል መፈጠሩን፣ ከዚህ የተነሳ ክቡር መሆኑን፣ በአዳማዊ ኃጢአት ምክንያት ከፈጣሪው፣ ከራሱ፣ ከባልጀራውና ከፍጥረት ሁሉ ጋር መቆራረጡን ያስተምራል። ይህም ከማርክሳዊ አመለካከት፣ ብርሃን ከጨለማ እንደሚለይ ይለያል። ወንጌል፦ ሰው ቁስ ብቻ ሳይሆን፣ ነፍስም መንፈስም ነው፤ በሥጋ በተገለጠው በኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ መስቀል በኩል ከአምላኩ፣ ከራሱና ከሌላው ጋር የሚታረቅበት መንገድ ተዘጋጅቶለታል ይላል። እንግዲህ፣ እግዚአብሔርን ያላማከለ አመለካከት ሰውን ከኢኮኖሚያዊና ከማሕበራዊ ግንኙነቶቹ ነጥሎ ማየት እንደሚሳነው በደርግና አሁን በሚገዛው መንግሥታት የታየው አመራር በቂ ማስረጃ የሚሆን ይመስለናል።

ቄስ ጉዲና በኢትዮጵያ ጠቅላይ ግዛቶች ማንበብና መጻፍ እንዲስፋፋ ከወጠኑትና ጥረት ካደረጉት መካከክል የመጀመሪያው ናቸው። አብዮት ከመፈንዳቱ በፊት፣ ማሕበራዊ ነውጥ ተቃርቧል፣ ቤተክርስቲያን መዘጋጀት አለባት ሲሉ እንደ ነበረ የሰሙ ዛሬም በሕይወት አሉ። ደርግ ሥልጣን ሲይዝ፣ ጸረ-ሃይማኖት/ጸረ-ክርስቲያን መመሪያ እንደሚያውጅ፣ ለዚህም ሥርዓት መበገር እንደማይገባ ጠንቅቀው ተረድተው ነበር። ንጉሥ ቢሆን፣ የፓርቲ ማእከላዊ ኮሚቴ ሊቀመንበር፣ የክርስቶስን ጌትነት ለሚቀናቀን ለማናቸውም ምድራዊ ሥልጣን ማጎንበስ አይገባም ይሉ ነበር።

ኢየሱስ ነው ከሁሉም በላይ

ጌታችን ነው ከሁሉም በላይ

አቻ የሌለው በምድር በሰማይ

እንደ እውነቱ ከሆነ፣ ዶክተር ነጋሶ ስለ ቄስ ጉዲና የነገሩን አዲስ ነገር የለም። ቄስ ጉዲና ኦሮሞ መሆናቸው፣ የመጣው ለውጥ ከአብራኩ ለወጡት ሕዝብ ያስገኘው ጥቅም አንሶ እያዩ ዝም አለማለታቸው እንደ ድንቅ ሊታይ አይገባም።  ዶክተር ነጋሶም እኮ ኦሮሞ ናቸው። ኦሮሞ ስለሆኑ፣ የሚታገሉት ለኦሮሞ ሕዝብ ብቻ ነው ማለት ታዲያ የትግላቸውን ፈር ባጭር አያስቀርም? ያስቀራል እንጂ። አያስቀርም ብንል፣ በመጽሐፋቸው ላይ እንደ ተመለከተው ለዲሞክራሲ፣ ለሕግ የበላይነትና ለሰብአዊ መብት መከበር ያደረጉት አስተዋጽዖ ያግደናል። ስለ ቄስ ጉዲና ግን ሊዘነጋ የማይገባ ጉዳይ፣ ደርግ በፍትኅ ስም የሚያካሄደውን ግድያና በደል አይተው ዝም አለማለታቸውና አለመተባበራቸው ነው። እኚህን ሰው በአንድ አንጃ መከለል አግባብ አይሆንም የምንለው ለዚህ ነው። የሰውን ሞላ ነፃ የሚያወጣውን የክርስቶስን ፍትሓዊ ወንጌል አቋማቸው ቢያደርጉ ድንቅ አይደለም ማለት ነው። በሌላ አነጋገር፣ ዶክተር ነጋሶ፣ ኦነግ ናቸው ብለው ያቀረቡት ማስረጃ፣ ቄስ ጉዲና የክርስቶስ ቤተክርስቲያን መሪ ከመሆናቸውና ዘርና ጎሣ ከማይወስነው ፍትኀዊ ወንጌል አራማጅነታቸው አንዳች እንደማይቀንስ ነው። ባጭሩ፣ የጉዲናን ስነመለኮታዊና ማሕበራዊ አቋም መነጣጠል ሐቅን ማዛባትና የሌለ ስም መስጠት ይሆናል። 

መንግሥታት ሁሉ የሚቀናቀናቸውን ለማስወገድ የሚጠቀሙበት ዘዴ ተመሳሳይ ነው። የአሜሪካ መንግሥት፣ እ.አ.አ በ1968 ዓ.ም. የሰብአዊ መብት ተሟጋች የነበረውን ቄስ ማርቲን ሉተር ኪንግን [በ 39 ዓመቱ ተሠዋ] የገደለው ኮሚዩኒስት ብሎ ነው። ማርቲን ኪንግ የአገሩን ዘረኛ ፖሊሲ መቃወሙ ብዙ ችግር አስከትሎበታል፤ የራሱና የቤተሰቡ ሕይወት እለት እለት ለአደጋ የተጋለጠ ነበር። የፍጻሜ እርምጃ የተወሰደበት ግን ከቤተክርስቲያን ክልል ወጣ ብሎ፣ አሜሪካ በቪዬትናም ስለምታካሄደው ሕገ ወጥ ጦርነት እና፣ በተለይም በኢኮኖሚ ረገድ በጥቁሮች ላይ የሚካሄደውን አድልዎና ግፍ መቃወምና ወደ ሰሜኑ የአሜሪካ ግዛት ዘልቆ ማደራጀት በጀመረበት ወቅት ነበር። ወንጌል ሙሉ የሚሆነው፣ ቤተክርስቲያን ነፍሳትን ወደ ክርስቶስ መንግሥት ከማምጣት ጋር ለማሕበራዊ ፍትኅ ስትታገል ጭምር ነው። ይህም ከፍተኛ መስዋእት ይጠይቃል፤ ፍሬው ደግሞ በደም ይደረጃል።

የጀርመን መንግሥት ቄስ ዲትሪኽ ቦንኦፈር [እ.አ.አ. በ1945 ዓ.ም. በ 39 ዓመቱ ተሠዋ] እውነተኛዪቱ ቤተክርስቲያን፣ ይሁዲና ጂፕሲዎች እየታደኑ ባለበት ሰዓት፣ ማሕበረ ምእመኑን እንዳያስተምር አሳቡን በጽሑፍ እንዳያሠፍር በማገዱ ሂትለርን ለማስወገድ ከተደራጁት ጋር ለማበር ተገደደ። ያኔ ለቦንኦፈር ጥያቄ የሆነበትና ዛሬም ለኛ ጥያቄ ሊሆን የሚገባው፣ እንዴት ከተመረዘ ማሕበራዊ ሥርዓት ውስጥ ራስን ማዳን ይቻላል የሚለው ሳይሆን፣ የሚቀጥለው ትውልድ እንዴት ይሆናል? እንዴትስ ይኖራል? የሚለው ነው። ቦንኦፈር አሜሪካ ሄዶ በዚያው መቅረትና ተደላድሎ መኖር ሲችል፣ የሚያውቁት ሁሉ ‘አትሂድ፣ ችግሩ ይለፍ’ ሲሉት እምቢ ብሎ ወደ ትውልድ ምድሩ ወደ ጀርመን አገር የተመለሰው ሊገደል እንደሚችል ሳይጠረጥር ቀርቶ አይደለም።

የኢጣልያ ፋሺስት አቡነ ጴጥሮስን [በ 1928 ዓ.ም. በ 54 ዓመታቸው ተሠው] ገና አገራችንን እንደ ወረረ ወዲያው ያስገደለው አላስቀምጥ አላስተኛ ስላሉ ነው፤ ሕዝቡን ለአረመኔ ወራሪ አልገዝትም፣ የተቀበልኩትን የወንጌል አደራና ሕዝቡን አሳልፌ ከምሰጥ ብሠዋ ይሻለኛል ስላሉ ነው። ለሕይወታቸው አልሳሱም።

ቄስ ጉዲና፣ ቄስ ማርቲን፣ ቄስ ቦንኦፈር እና አቡነ ጴጥሮስ በተገኙበት ሰማእታት ናቸው። ሁሉም የወጡት ከክርስቶስ ቤተክርስቲያን ነው። የሞቱት በወንጌል ዓላማ ለፍትኅ ነው። በመጨረሻዋ ሰዓት የተናገሩትን ቃል ማገናዘብ ደግሞ የሕይወታቸውን ጥሪና ቁምነገር ቁልጭ አድርጎ ያሳየናል። ሰው ወደ ሞት ሲቃረብ የሚናገረው ከሌላው ጊዜ ይልቅ ተኣማኒነት ይኖረዋልና። ለዚህም ነው ወደ ሞት ለተቃረበ ሰው፦ ምን የምትለው ነገር አለህ? ተብሎ የመጨረሻ እድል የሚሰጠው።

ብፁእ አቡነ ጴጥሮስ፣ በፋሺስት ገዳዮች ፊት ቆመው፦ “ሥጋንም የሚገድሉትን፣ ነፍስን ግን መግደል የማይቻላቸውን አትፍሩ፤ ይልቅስ ነፍስንም ሥጋንም በገሃነም ሊያጠፋ የሚቻለውን ፍሩ …” እያሉና ሕዝቡ እጁን እንዳይሰጥ እየመከሩ በጥይት ተደብድበው ሞቱ። ይህም፣ “ለጊዜው፣ በኃጢአት ከሚገኝ ደስታ ይልቅ ከእግዚአብሔር ሕዝብ ጋር መከራ መቀበልን መረጠ” የሚለውን ሐዋሪያዊ ቃል ያስታውሰናል [ማቴዎስ 10:28 እና ወደ ዕብራውያን 11:25]።

ማርቲንኪንግ የተጋበዘበት የምሽት ፕሮግራም ከመድረሱ በፊት፣ ሙዚቃ እንዲጫወት ለተመደበው ሰው፣ “ውድ ጌታ [ኢየሱስ] …እጄን ያዘኝ” የምትለዋን ዝማሬ ጥሩ አድርጎ እንዲጫወታት ደጋግሞ ጠይቆት ነበር። ቦንኦፈር ደግሞ፣ “እነሆ ፍጻሜው ደረሰ፣ ለኔ ግን የሕይወት ጅማሬ ነው” ብሎ ተንበርክኮ ከጸለየ በኋላ ተሰቀለ።

ለቄስ ጉዲና፣ “… እንግዲያስ ሁሉ ሞቱ፤ በሕይወትም ያሉት ስለ እነርሱ ለሞተውና ለተነሣው እንጂ ወደ ፊት ለራሳቸው እንዳይኖሩ ስለ ሁሉ ሞተ” የሚለው ቃል መመሪያቸው እንደነበር ተዘግቧል [2ኛ ቆሮንቶስ 5:15]። ተይዘው በተገደሉበት ምሽት፣ በኡራዔል መካነ ኢየሱስ ቤተክርስቲያን ኢየሱስን ከሰበኩ በኋላ ኢየሱስን እያሰቡ ደጅ ወጡ። በጨለማ ተገን አፍነው ገደሏቸው። ነፍሳቸው ግን ወደ ዘላለሙ ብርሃን፣ የዓለም ብርሃን ወደ ሆነው ወደ ኢየሱስ አገር አመለጠች። ሃሌ ሉያ!

ታዲያ፣ አንድን ግለሰብ ሰማእት ነው የሚያሰኘው ምንድነው? ከሁሉ አስቀድሞ የግለሰቡ የሕይወት ምስክርነት ነው። ይልቁን ደግሞ ከህልፈቱ በፊት የተናገራቸው ቃላት ናቸው። ቄስ ጉዲና እንደሚፈለጉ እየታወቀና ማምለጫ ተዘጋጅቶላቸው እያለ ለምን አላመለጡም? ታስረው መፈታታቸው ማስጠንቀቂያ ሳይሆናቸው ቀርቶ ነው? ምሥጢሩ፣ ራሳቸውን የቤተክርስቲያኑ እረኛ ከሆነው ከኢየሱስ በታች የመንጋው እረኛ መሆናቸውን ጠንቅቀው የተረዱ ሰው ስለነበረ ነው። በታንዛኒያ ፕሬዚዳንት ጁሊየስ ኔሬሬ አማላጅነት ከእስር ተፈትተው፣ ከአገር እንዲወጡ አሳብ ሲቀርብላቸው፦ “እኔ የቤተክርስቲያን መሪ ሆኜ ሳለ፣ እንዴት በፈተና ሰዓት መንጋውን ትቼ እሸሻለሁ? ደግሞስ፣ ካህናቱን የትም አትሂዱ ብዬ እየተማፀንኳቸው ልሸሽ? አልሸሽም፣ አላደርገውም” ብለው ነበር የመለሱት። “መልካም እረኛ ነፍሱን ስለ በጎቹ ያኖራል። እረኛ ያልሆነው በጎቹም የእርሱ ያልሆኑ ሞያተኛ ግን ተኵላ ሲመጣ ባየ ጊዜ በጎቹን ትቶ ይሸሻል፤ ተኵላም ይነጥቃቸዋል፣ በጎቹም ይበተናሉ” [ዮሐንስ 10:12]።

የ”ነጋሶ መንገድ” ይህን ዋነኛ ስነ መለኮታዊ መረዳት የዘነጋው ይመስላል። ምናልባት መጽሐፉ የተጻፈው ከዚህ አኳያ ስላልሆነ ሊሆን ይችላል። ወቅቱ በወንጌላውያን አብያተክርስቲያናት ላይ መንግሥት የስደት እና የእሥራት ዘመቻ የሚያካሄድበት ሰዓት ነበር። ቄስ ጉዲና የሚመሩት መካነ ኢየሱስ ቤተክርስቲያን ደግሞ ብዙ እንቅስቃሴዋ በውጭው ዓለም እና በምዕራብና ደቡብ-ምዕራብ ኢትዮጵያ መሆኑ፣ የኦነግ መሪዎችም [ዶክተር ነጋሶን ጨምሮ] አብዛኛዎቹ ከቤተክርስቲያንና ከዚሁ ክፍለ ሃገር የወጡ መሆናቸው ለመንግሥት ሥጋት ፈጥሮ ነበር። ከዚህ የተነሳ ቤተክርስቲያንና መሪዎቿን በዐይነ ቁራኛ መከታተል ግድ ሆነ፤ አድራጎቱም፣ የመንግሥትን ኢፍትኀዊ አመራር አደባባይ አወጣው።

ከዚህ መጽሐፍ ጋር በተያያዘ አንድ የሚከነክነንን ጉዳይ እናንሳና እንጨርስ። ለመሆኑ፣ የአገራችን ምሑራን ባለፉት ሃምሳ ዓመታት ዘላቂ የሆነ ምን ማሕበራዊ አስተዋጽኦ ወይም መፍትሔ አስገኝተዋል? በመደብና በጎሣ ሕዝቡን ከፋፍለው አለመተማመንን ዘርተውበታል፤ ይህን አይተናል። ያውቃሉ የተባሉት እርስ በርስ መስማማት ሆነ መከባበር ተስኖአቸዋል። አገሪቷን ወዴት መምራት እንደሚገባቸው ገና እርግጠኞች አይደሉም፤ የሌሎችን አሳብ ለመስማት አይፈቀዱም። የጋራ በሆነች አገር፣ ያልተስማማቸውን የማግለልና የማውገዝ ባሕል ተጠናውቶአቸዋል። ይህንና ያን ሲሉ ስንት ትውልድ ፈጁ፤ በሙከራ ብቻ ምድሪቷን አስረጁ። ቤተክርስቲያንን ከሚያፈርስ፣ ፈርሃ እግዚአብሔርን ከሚሸረሽር አድራጎት ሊቆጠቡ አልቻሉም። ቤተክርስቲያንን ለዓላማቸው ከመጠቀም አልቦዘኑም። የክርስቶስን ወንጌል ከባህል፣ ከአፈ-ታሪክና ከጎሠኛ አስተሳሰብ ለይተው ስለማያዩ፣ ሕዝበ ክርስቲያኑን ያምሳሉ። “እግዚአብሔር የለም” ያሉንና ሊያሰኙን ያንገላቱን ዛሬ ወዴት አሉ? የክርስቶስ ቤተክርስቲያን ግን ዛሬም አለች፣ ጌታዋ ሕያው ስለሆነ፣ ሕያው ነች። እግዚአብሔርን የማይፈሩ፣ እግዚአብሔር የማያይ የመሰላቸው ሕዝብን ሲበድሉና ሲያንገላቱ፣ ለወገኔ ይጠቅማል ማለት ሲያበዙ፣ የምሕረት እጁን ስለ ዘረጋ እንጂ፣ ዝምታው ስለማይፈርድ አለመሆኑን አላስተዋሉም። እግዚአብሔር ሳ-ይ-ፈ-ራ ሕዝብ አይዋደድም፤ እግዚአብሔር ሳይከበር ሕዝብ አይከበርም፤ አይከባበርም።

“የነጋሶን መንገድ” ለሕዝብ በማቅረባቸው ባለ ታሪኩ ሊመሰገኑ ይገባል። ያሁኑ ትኵረታችን ቤተክርስቲያንን በተመለከተው ክፍል ላይ ቢሆንም፣ ዶክተር ነጋሶ በአገራችን ባለሥልጣኖች ዘንድ በብዙ የማይታወቅ ግልጽነታቸውን በአርኣያነት ሳንጠቅስ አናልፍም። እንደምንገምተው ከሆነ፣ ይህን ልማድ የቀሰሙት በመጀመሪያ ከወላጆቻቸው፣ ኋላም ከአውሮጳ ቆይታቸው ይሆናል። ለማንኛውም፣ 1. የአገር መሪ በሕይወት እያለ ከሥልጣን ወርዶ በሕዝብ መካከል እንደ ተራ ዜጋ መኖር፤ 2. የአገራችን ፕሬዚዳንት እንዲሆኑ በተጠየቁ እለት እንደ ፈሩና ሌላ ሰው ፈልጉ እንዳሉ መግለጻቸው፤ 3. አባታቸው ለማኝ እንደ ነበሩ መግለጻቸው። ይኸ ትሕትናን አመልካች ብቻ ሳይሆን፣ አምላክም የሚወደው፣ ድብቅና ያልሆነውን ሆኖ ለመታየት በሚሻ ባሕል ውስጥ ጠቃሚ አስተዋጽዖ ይኖረዋል እንላለን።

እንግዲህ፣ “የነጋሶ መንገድ” እነሆ። ሌላው መንገድ የክርስቶስ እና የተከታዮቹ መንገድ ነው። የአገራችን ምሑሩ ክፍል ሃምሳ ዓመት የተጓዘበት መንገድ የእግዚአብሔር ፍርሃት የሌለበት ምድረ በዳ ነበረ፤ አላዋጣም። የእረፍት እህል፣ የእረፍት ውሃና ሰላም አላመጣም። አለማዋጣቱ በሥጋና በነፍሱ ላይ ጠባሳ ትቶ አልፏል። ደርግና ምሑራኑ እግዚአብሔርን ሻሩ፤ በመጤ ፍልስፍና የመደብ ልዩነት ብለው ምድሪቷን አመሳቀሉ። ደርግን ተቃውመው የተነሱ ተራ ሲደርሳቸው በእግዚአብሔር አምሳል የተፈጠረውን ሰው በጎሣ ልዩነት አቃቃሩ። ሁለቱም የእግዚአብሔርን ፍርሃት አጥብቀው ተጻረሩ። ኧረ ለመሆኑ፣ የኢትዮጵያ መሪዎችና ምሑራን የሚማሩት መቼ ይሆን? ለ “ክርስቶስ መንገድ” የሚለቁለትስ መቼ ይሆን?! 

Read 6682988 times Last modified on Sunday, 13 November 2011 22:03


  • Comment Link MarcosAnogy Monday, 01 April 2024 12:44 posted by MarcosAnogy

    Flirt.com is for adults looking for fun, flirty encounters rather than serious dating. The site is aimed at the younger crowd, though there are older members there and some seeking longer term relationships. It offers free membership for women, while men can join for free but must pay for additional services such as email.

    Flirt has been recently revamped and is designed for people looking for casual dating. Most people there are in their twenties and early thirties, though there is no upper age limit. It's owned by the Cupid Dating network and caters mostly to members in the UK, the U.S. and Australia, though membership is open to anyone.

    Flirt is "spicier" than your regular dating site - don't expect to find your next significant other there.

    Naughty mode
    This site is designed to have a light, fun feel to it. It is not intended to be an "adult" site, though there is some mature content. Most adult content can be blocked by switching-off "naughty mode" (the initial setting).

    This will hide any images that are explicit. Flirt is a worth a look if you are single and looking to meet new people and have a little fun. Those looking for more serious relationships would probably be better off looking elsewhere.

    Flirt.com is feature rich, offering email, message boards, chat rooms, member diaries, videos as well as basic flirts and emails. Flirt has a dedicated mobile site for those wanting access their matches on the go. They also sponsor speed dating and other live events for those who want to meet someone in person.

    Women have access to all features of for free. Men can join for free, but will need a paid membership in order to use some features of the site. Despite being free for women there is still a very high proportion of male users.

    Flirt ist ok. A few fake profiles (like everywhere), a few cam girls (like everywhere) and a few scammers (like everywhere) but generally the site seems to be real. Personally prefer because i've actually hooked up twice using it, but just wanted to try somethin' new so decided to give Flirt a chance.
    Not worth it. I had no luck on this site after six months.
    Though it's a casual site, I met my love here. So everything's in your hands. Try, you won't lose anything.
    Good site for flirting and one night stands! Unfortunately one day this won't be enough for you and flirt cannot offer you something serious.
    I'm really glad that a friend of mine gave me the advice to register on Flirt to make my life more spicy. I wasn't really going to have anything more than just a naughty chat but it turned out that there's a nice lady in mt city who's willing to date with me. I'm freaking happy now
    Though it's a casual site, I met my love here. So everything's in your hands. Try, you won't lose anything.
    This site is bull****, it's a total scam, the profiles of women are not even real they are all fake, when you create a profile and it becomes active they suck you in by sending you lots of messages and winks from so called women which are not even real and don't actually exist and because you can't read the messages as an unpaid member to be able to read the messages you have to subscribe and pay for a membership then once you do that and you respond to the messages you don't get a reply back.
    This site claims that singles are in your area, but in truth that they live elsewhere. I had received a lot of mail from people that the site claimed were in my area, but they actually lived far away. Beware of scammers as well, I have found quite a bit of them on this whose profiles seemed to be processed quickly since their information is available. However, those members who may actually be real usually have the contents of their profile information pending. I've seen a lot of scam activity on this site and very little actual people.
    Cute looking site like many others however only here I've had 5 dates within 3 weeks after the start. Also I should note that flirt sometimes really hard to use and it's taking some time to feel yourself comfortable during usage of it and actually it's not because of gliches or something simply the pictures of buttons are obvious so sometimes you can find yourself on the page you haven't wanted to open. However I should admit that in the end it worth all the troubles in the start.
    Hi everyone. I didn't have very high expectations of this sort of thing. However, I have loads of fun talking to people and an amazing amount of interest is being shown in me. Hope things will get even better when I add my photo, hehe :-) you guys better do this too, if you haven't yet ;) 5*
    Just a warbibg to others. This website sometimes states that people are in cities that they are not. For example, the site may say that they're in Chicago when they may actually be in Dallas.
    Great site! Met some great people and got chatting on the phone with a local using the 'Talk Live' feature. I wasn't expecting much from the whole 'online dating' thing other than a bit of joking around and wind-ups, a lot of the feedback from web dating isn't that reassuring. After signing up for a trial I had a lazy look around the site, but didn't make much of it, it looks well designed and is easy to navigate, but the abundance of options was a bit overwhelming for a beginner like me. I didn't go back to it until a few weeks later, I was bored and lonely on a Saturday afternoon and the reason that I joined a dating site became very much apparent again! So i had another crack at it and decided to try and get something out of it this time. After I made the effort to fill in my profile and what I was looking for in a match things got better very quickly. Got chatting with a member who at my request agreed to having a chat over the phone (this might scare some people or way or sound a bit forward, but the talk live feature uses an anonymous caller id so neither party's numbers are given away, so it's less of a big deal), and started up a bit of a regular thing with her! Maybe I'm lucky, or maybe it's my good looks and charm;). Since then we've been on a couple of nights out together and get on well... I haven't been online since! Fingers crossed!!!

  • Comment Link Скачать Cut the Rope на Андроид Monday, 01 April 2024 12:43 posted by Скачать Cut the Rope на Андроид

    Что же вы откроете по ссылке - Скачать Cut the Rope на Андроид

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    1. Размер свободной памяти устройства - 342 MB, очистите память от ненужных игр, файлов или программ для корректного запуска.
    2. Операционная система - Android 5+, советуем посмотреть параметры вашего телефона так как, из-за несоответствия требованиям, будут ошибки при установке.
    3. Популярность - по последним данным она составляет 27718370, о крутости приложения четко показывает число загрузок, помогите стать еще популярней.
    4. Дата обновления - на портале загружена версия приложения от 22.12.23 - обновите приложение, если вы загрузили устаревшую версию.
    Программа исполняет свою важнейшую функцию, помогает вам в решеннии поставленных задач и оптимизирует ваше время. Ключевое несходство Cut the Rope - Unlocked - дополнительные возможности, которые облегчат программный процесс, а вам не нужно открывать закрытые функции. Что касается картинки, то все на замечательном уровне, точно так же, как и звуковое сопровождение. Вам выбирать - использовать обычную версию или установить МОД. Не забывайте обновлять наш сайт для загрузки различных приложений.

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  • Comment Link MarcosAnogy Monday, 01 April 2024 12:42 posted by MarcosAnogy

    Flirt.com is for adults looking for fun, flirty encounters rather than serious dating. The site is aimed at the younger crowd, though there are older members there and some seeking longer term relationships. It offers free membership for women, while men can join for free but must pay for additional services such as email.

    Flirt has been recently revamped and is designed for people looking for casual dating. Most people there are in their twenties and early thirties, though there is no upper age limit. It's owned by the Cupid Dating network and caters mostly to members in the UK, the U.S. and Australia, though membership is open to anyone.

    Flirt is "spicier" than your regular dating site - don't expect to find your next significant other there.

    Naughty mode
    This site is designed to have a light, fun feel to it. It is not intended to be an "adult" site, though there is some mature content. Most adult content can be blocked by switching-off "naughty mode" (the initial setting).

    This will hide any images that are explicit. Flirt is a worth a look if you are single and looking to meet new people and have a little fun. Those looking for more serious relationships would probably be better off looking elsewhere.

    Flirt.com is feature rich, offering email, message boards, chat rooms, member diaries, videos as well as basic flirts and emails. Flirt has a dedicated mobile site for those wanting access their matches on the go. They also sponsor speed dating and other live events for those who want to meet someone in person.

    Women have access to all features of for free. Men can join for free, but will need a paid membership in order to use some features of the site. Despite being free for women there is still a very high proportion of male users.

    Flirt ist ok. A few fake profiles (like everywhere), a few cam girls (like everywhere) and a few scammers (like everywhere) but generally the site seems to be real. Personally prefer because i've actually hooked up twice using it, but just wanted to try somethin' new so decided to give Flirt a chance.
    Not worth it. I had no luck on this site after six months.
    Though it's a casual site, I met my love here. So everything's in your hands. Try, you won't lose anything.
    Good site for flirting and one night stands! Unfortunately one day this won't be enough for you and flirt cannot offer you something serious.
    I'm really glad that a friend of mine gave me the advice to register on Flirt to make my life more spicy. I wasn't really going to have anything more than just a naughty chat but it turned out that there's a nice lady in mt city who's willing to date with me. I'm freaking happy now
    Though it's a casual site, I met my love here. So everything's in your hands. Try, you won't lose anything.
    This site is bull****, it's a total scam, the profiles of women are not even real they are all fake, when you create a profile and it becomes active they suck you in by sending you lots of messages and winks from so called women which are not even real and don't actually exist and because you can't read the messages as an unpaid member to be able to read the messages you have to subscribe and pay for a membership then once you do that and you respond to the messages you don't get a reply back.
    This site claims that singles are in your area, but in truth that they live elsewhere. I had received a lot of mail from people that the site claimed were in my area, but they actually lived far away. Beware of scammers as well, I have found quite a bit of them on this whose profiles seemed to be processed quickly since their information is available. However, those members who may actually be real usually have the contents of their profile information pending. I've seen a lot of scam activity on this site and very little actual people.
    Cute looking site like many others however only here I've had 5 dates within 3 weeks after the start. Also I should note that flirt sometimes really hard to use and it's taking some time to feel yourself comfortable during usage of it and actually it's not because of gliches or something simply the pictures of buttons are obvious so sometimes you can find yourself on the page you haven't wanted to open. However I should admit that in the end it worth all the troubles in the start.
    Hi everyone. I didn't have very high expectations of this sort of thing. However, I have loads of fun talking to people and an amazing amount of interest is being shown in me. Hope things will get even better when I add my photo, hehe :-) you guys better do this too, if you haven't yet ;) 5*
    Just a warbibg to others. This website sometimes states that people are in cities that they are not. For example, the site may say that they're in Chicago when they may actually be in Dallas.
    Great site! Met some great people and got chatting on the phone with a local using the 'Talk Live' feature. I wasn't expecting much from the whole 'online dating' thing other than a bit of joking around and wind-ups, a lot of the feedback from web dating isn't that reassuring. After signing up for a trial I had a lazy look around the site, but didn't make much of it, it looks well designed and is easy to navigate, but the abundance of options was a bit overwhelming for a beginner like me. I didn't go back to it until a few weeks later, I was bored and lonely on a Saturday afternoon and the reason that I joined a dating site became very much apparent again! So i had another crack at it and decided to try and get something out of it this time. After I made the effort to fill in my profile and what I was looking for in a match things got better very quickly. Got chatting with a member who at my request agreed to having a chat over the phone (this might scare some people or way or sound a bit forward, but the talk live feature uses an anonymous caller id so neither party's numbers are given away, so it's less of a big deal), and started up a bit of a regular thing with her! Maybe I'm lucky, or maybe it's my good looks and charm;). Since then we've been on a couple of nights out together and get on well... I haven't been online since! Fingers crossed!!!

  • Comment Link Brffuceavate Monday, 01 April 2024 12:40 posted by Brffuceavate


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  • Comment Link MarcosAnogy Monday, 01 April 2024 12:39 posted by MarcosAnogy

    Flirt.com is for adults looking for fun, flirty encounters rather than serious dating. The site is aimed at the younger crowd, though there are older members there and some seeking longer term relationships. It offers free membership for women, while men can join for free but must pay for additional services such as email.

    Flirt has been recently revamped and is designed for people looking for casual dating. Most people there are in their twenties and early thirties, though there is no upper age limit. It's owned by the Cupid Dating network and caters mostly to members in the UK, the U.S. and Australia, though membership is open to anyone.

    Flirt is "spicier" than your regular dating site - don't expect to find your next significant other there.

    Naughty mode
    This site is designed to have a light, fun feel to it. It is not intended to be an "adult" site, though there is some mature content. Most adult content can be blocked by switching-off "naughty mode" (the initial setting).

    This will hide any images that are explicit. Flirt is a worth a look if you are single and looking to meet new people and have a little fun. Those looking for more serious relationships would probably be better off looking elsewhere.

    Flirt.com is feature rich, offering email, message boards, chat rooms, member diaries, videos as well as basic flirts and emails. Flirt has a dedicated mobile site for those wanting access their matches on the go. They also sponsor speed dating and other live events for those who want to meet someone in person.

    Women have access to all features of for free. Men can join for free, but will need a paid membership in order to use some features of the site. Despite being free for women there is still a very high proportion of male users.

    Flirt ist ok. A few fake profiles (like everywhere), a few cam girls (like everywhere) and a few scammers (like everywhere) but generally the site seems to be real. Personally prefer because i've actually hooked up twice using it, but just wanted to try somethin' new so decided to give Flirt a chance.
    Not worth it. I had no luck on this site after six months.
    Though it's a casual site, I met my love here. So everything's in your hands. Try, you won't lose anything.
    Good site for flirting and one night stands! Unfortunately one day this won't be enough for you and flirt cannot offer you something serious.
    I'm really glad that a friend of mine gave me the advice to register on Flirt to make my life more spicy. I wasn't really going to have anything more than just a naughty chat but it turned out that there's a nice lady in mt city who's willing to date with me. I'm freaking happy now
    Though it's a casual site, I met my love here. So everything's in your hands. Try, you won't lose anything.
    This site is bull****, it's a total scam, the profiles of women are not even real they are all fake, when you create a profile and it becomes active they suck you in by sending you lots of messages and winks from so called women which are not even real and don't actually exist and because you can't read the messages as an unpaid member to be able to read the messages you have to subscribe and pay for a membership then once you do that and you respond to the messages you don't get a reply back.
    This site claims that singles are in your area, but in truth that they live elsewhere. I had received a lot of mail from people that the site claimed were in my area, but they actually lived far away. Beware of scammers as well, I have found quite a bit of them on this whose profiles seemed to be processed quickly since their information is available. However, those members who may actually be real usually have the contents of their profile information pending. I've seen a lot of scam activity on this site and very little actual people.
    Cute looking site like many others however only here I've had 5 dates within 3 weeks after the start. Also I should note that flirt sometimes really hard to use and it's taking some time to feel yourself comfortable during usage of it and actually it's not because of gliches or something simply the pictures of buttons are obvious so sometimes you can find yourself on the page you haven't wanted to open. However I should admit that in the end it worth all the troubles in the start.
    Hi everyone. I didn't have very high expectations of this sort of thing. However, I have loads of fun talking to people and an amazing amount of interest is being shown in me. Hope things will get even better when I add my photo, hehe :-) you guys better do this too, if you haven't yet ;) 5*
    Just a warbibg to others. This website sometimes states that people are in cities that they are not. For example, the site may say that they're in Chicago when they may actually be in Dallas.
    Great site! Met some great people and got chatting on the phone with a local using the 'Talk Live' feature. I wasn't expecting much from the whole 'online dating' thing other than a bit of joking around and wind-ups, a lot of the feedback from web dating isn't that reassuring. After signing up for a trial I had a lazy look around the site, but didn't make much of it, it looks well designed and is easy to navigate, but the abundance of options was a bit overwhelming for a beginner like me. I didn't go back to it until a few weeks later, I was bored and lonely on a Saturday afternoon and the reason that I joined a dating site became very much apparent again! So i had another crack at it and decided to try and get something out of it this time. After I made the effort to fill in my profile and what I was looking for in a match things got better very quickly. Got chatting with a member who at my request agreed to having a chat over the phone (this might scare some people or way or sound a bit forward, but the talk live feature uses an anonymous caller id so neither party's numbers are given away, so it's less of a big deal), and started up a bit of a regular thing with her! Maybe I'm lucky, or maybe it's my good looks and charm;). Since then we've been on a couple of nights out together and get on well... I haven't been online since! Fingers crossed!!!

  • Comment Link MarcosAnogy Monday, 01 April 2024 12:38 posted by MarcosAnogy

    Flirt.com is for adults looking for fun, flirty encounters rather than serious dating. The site is aimed at the younger crowd, though there are older members there and some seeking longer term relationships. It offers free membership for women, while men can join for free but must pay for additional services such as email.

    Flirt has been recently revamped and is designed for people looking for casual dating. Most people there are in their twenties and early thirties, though there is no upper age limit. It's owned by the Cupid Dating network and caters mostly to members in the UK, the U.S. and Australia, though membership is open to anyone.

    Flirt is "spicier" than your regular dating site - don't expect to find your next significant other there.

    Naughty mode
    This site is designed to have a light, fun feel to it. It is not intended to be an "adult" site, though there is some mature content. Most adult content can be blocked by switching-off "naughty mode" (the initial setting).

    This will hide any images that are explicit. Flirt is a worth a look if you are single and looking to meet new people and have a little fun. Those looking for more serious relationships would probably be better off looking elsewhere.

    Flirt.com is feature rich, offering email, message boards, chat rooms, member diaries, videos as well as basic flirts and emails. Flirt has a dedicated mobile site for those wanting access their matches on the go. They also sponsor speed dating and other live events for those who want to meet someone in person.

    Women have access to all features of for free. Men can join for free, but will need a paid membership in order to use some features of the site. Despite being free for women there is still a very high proportion of male users.

    Flirt ist ok. A few fake profiles (like everywhere), a few cam girls (like everywhere) and a few scammers (like everywhere) but generally the site seems to be real. Personally prefer because i've actually hooked up twice using it, but just wanted to try somethin' new so decided to give Flirt a chance.
    Not worth it. I had no luck on this site after six months.
    Though it's a casual site, I met my love here. So everything's in your hands. Try, you won't lose anything.
    Good site for flirting and one night stands! Unfortunately one day this won't be enough for you and flirt cannot offer you something serious.
    I'm really glad that a friend of mine gave me the advice to register on Flirt to make my life more spicy. I wasn't really going to have anything more than just a naughty chat but it turned out that there's a nice lady in mt city who's willing to date with me. I'm freaking happy now
    Though it's a casual site, I met my love here. So everything's in your hands. Try, you won't lose anything.
    This site is bull****, it's a total scam, the profiles of women are not even real they are all fake, when you create a profile and it becomes active they suck you in by sending you lots of messages and winks from so called women which are not even real and don't actually exist and because you can't read the messages as an unpaid member to be able to read the messages you have to subscribe and pay for a membership then once you do that and you respond to the messages you don't get a reply back.
    This site claims that singles are in your area, but in truth that they live elsewhere. I had received a lot of mail from people that the site claimed were in my area, but they actually lived far away. Beware of scammers as well, I have found quite a bit of them on this whose profiles seemed to be processed quickly since their information is available. However, those members who may actually be real usually have the contents of their profile information pending. I've seen a lot of scam activity on this site and very little actual people.
    Cute looking site like many others however only here I've had 5 dates within 3 weeks after the start. Also I should note that flirt sometimes really hard to use and it's taking some time to feel yourself comfortable during usage of it and actually it's not because of gliches or something simply the pictures of buttons are obvious so sometimes you can find yourself on the page you haven't wanted to open. However I should admit that in the end it worth all the troubles in the start.
    Hi everyone. I didn't have very high expectations of this sort of thing. However, I have loads of fun talking to people and an amazing amount of interest is being shown in me. Hope things will get even better when I add my photo, hehe :-) you guys better do this too, if you haven't yet ;) 5*
    Just a warbibg to others. This website sometimes states that people are in cities that they are not. For example, the site may say that they're in Chicago when they may actually be in Dallas.
    Great site! Met some great people and got chatting on the phone with a local using the 'Talk Live' feature. I wasn't expecting much from the whole 'online dating' thing other than a bit of joking around and wind-ups, a lot of the feedback from web dating isn't that reassuring. After signing up for a trial I had a lazy look around the site, but didn't make much of it, it looks well designed and is easy to navigate, but the abundance of options was a bit overwhelming for a beginner like me. I didn't go back to it until a few weeks later, I was bored and lonely on a Saturday afternoon and the reason that I joined a dating site became very much apparent again! So i had another crack at it and decided to try and get something out of it this time. After I made the effort to fill in my profile and what I was looking for in a match things got better very quickly. Got chatting with a member who at my request agreed to having a chat over the phone (this might scare some people or way or sound a bit forward, but the talk live feature uses an anonymous caller id so neither party's numbers are given away, so it's less of a big deal), and started up a bit of a regular thing with her! Maybe I'm lucky, or maybe it's my good looks and charm;). Since then we've been on a couple of nights out together and get on well... I haven't been online since! Fingers crossed!!!

  • Comment Link 新竹 整骨 Monday, 01 April 2024 12:36 posted by 新竹 整骨

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  • Comment Link RaymondHoick Monday, 01 April 2024 12:35 posted by RaymondHoick

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